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Compassionate Leadership

Our Assist

showing organizations an optimal way of decentralizing the Flow of Awareness, resulting Shared Insight, and properly Aligned Action towards desired Outcomes.

We show you the easiest way to “Bridge the Intuition of people who are trying to share an inspiring Mission and Way of supporting community.” – Harmony

Our Approach

to Learning is not to tell abstractly, but to instead empower you and your Teams to Sense and Respond to directly, to what IS happening, like it or not.

Perhaps the only failure in life is to sense a need to adapt and fail to do so.  Instead, let’s offer compassionate, timely and meaningful support.  Unfortunately, too often, we hesitate or resist change and the new learning that results.  Our relationships suffer.

Our Goal

is to help you courageously and collectively experiment, learn and adapt, to enjoy yOur life experiences.  Compassionate support for all of Life.

Let’s nurture a responsive, collective mindset of sincere concern for human experience?  Maybe this expands beyond the human purview and results in return to 🌎 Balance?

“my storyline will have mattered, as Compassion courses through humanity, once again”
– David Harmony

Course Categories

We offer support across the continuum of Life’s Happenings

Explore courses that feel more “practical” in the day to day operating of business.   

Consider our courses about the origin of anxiety and depression.  We are one storyline that traverses from Home to Work, and back Home daily.  We deceive our self into thinking these are seperate personAs and realities.

We have courses to help you explore, witness, and ascertain your personal, direct truth of life’s purpose and design.

And throughout all of the cognitive-biased problems and overly-complex solutions exploration, our body takes a back seat and realizes pain, too often.   We have courses to help you heal your body and stay healthy, without ongoing reliance on “self-proclaiming experts”.

It is a great complement to us, that your exploration of life, with most brief support from us, proves both life-changing and ultimately obvious and unnecessary, reMembering yOur inherent authority within Life.

Organizing for Agility

Optimize the Flow of insights across your organization, empowering everyone to care for customers and the Mission.  Bridge the Intuition of ALL your org’s talent.

Compassionate Leadership

Matching Demand Requests with Observable Supply

Learn and adapt what you request of your planning & delivery system, to match the capacity and pace reality which the org can maintain at a sustainable pace that respects People.

Placing infinite demands upon a finite system is the core issue.

Learn how to inspire Shared ownership for outcomes.  Decentralize decision making while mitigating the majority of Issues and Risk.

Inclusive Pragmatic Governance

Lean Portfolio Optimization via pramatic inclusion of talent in shared decision making and shared ownership for outcomes with clear intentional impact on Society.

Vision, Mission, Strategy Dissemination

Know your Customers well.   Teams that are included in shaping the mission and strategies, will most sincerely care for People (customers and team members).

Awareness Modes

Direct observation of symbiotic relationship of all Happenings, proves yOur inherent vulnerability and safety within Life.  But our intention is myopically focused and we forGet.   Learn why this is the greatest gift and how to reclaim Awareness and Balance.

Relational Observation

Learn a unique Indigenous world-view approach to observing, understanding, and optimizing the Flow of Systems, by focusing on the universal Relationship within and across your surrounding ecosystem.

Anxiety & Depression

Learn about the origin and purpose of both, from an Indigenous world-view, and how to reBalance yOur existing to Learn and Adapt from both as valid experiencing.

Pain Reduction Corrective Exercise

Know the true origin of your Pain.  Industry-unique, tailored solutions to return you to your optimal health, empowering you to keep your Self healthy.

We serve those who are underserved.

Mobile Access, Field Guide

Assistance on-the-go, helping you to identify the origin of [overly] complex issues, so you can adapt your personal actions, or your Team(s) focus, to avoid unnecessary, artificial conflict.

Compassion reDefined

… the indiscriminate Support and realized Love, for every aspect of Life.

I lovingly suggest that realizing compassion is the purpose for existence. – Harmony

To feel compassion for anOther, we must fully understand our relationship with that aspect of Life.  By design, we must ‘invest’ some time feeling separate from others and environment.  This brings our self and others mental and often physical suffering.  But the opportunity to rebalance is born from this aggravating action, sparking yOur pursuit of reUnion and resulting Compassion – truly knowing that we are safe in this reality.

We as humans-being, operate in abstractions, intellectually reinforced for a false sense of knowledge, security and control over life’s happenings.   This is the initiating act of separation.

How do we coherently witness the surrounding system(s) of separation?

How do we reclaim our inherent freedom to flow freely, with agency over our storyline, playing out within these systems?  … especially in this hyper-ACTive, virtualized artificial, digital reality, driven by the mantra “time = money” and “working for [a right to] a Living”?

We begin by questioning our {i}dentity.  What is my acting role in the system?  Learn about the Cascading Styles Surrounding you, constraining and defining you (your C.O.G.).  Intensely observing CSS will reveal the origin of systemic behaviors, both those desired and unintended.   Your freedom is a choice-less act. </>

Broadening Awareness

How do we expand our impact and support for Life, whether communal or commerce oriented causes?

We offer you ways of “scaling” the well-timed inclusion of people in the broadening of Awareness, which results in better insights and decision-making with genuine shared commitment.  Servant leadership must represent the collective insights and commitment of all talent that’s attempting to support the organization’s cause.   There is a pragmatic way to ensure that people are included in a way that optimizes the Flow of Value (support) to community or customers.

Support & Honor People

It’s all about Relationships

Empathy is the current global design-thinking paradigm, but that falls flat of predictably delivering and nurturing evolving human relationships.

We must think AND act quickly, in a way that senses, responds and adapts to evolving reality.   We strive to help people find and cherish a shared reality.

Honor your relationships by taking a proactive posture and mindset of ownership over shared experiences (between your Teams and Customers).  The better you understand and solve for true Need(s) of People (customers and employees) and not what they minimally “ask for”, the better your relationship will be.

Our solutions empower strong relationships.   Compassion without hesitation – our Mission.

Compassion is the result of shared empathy AND action, in both directions.   People from a local community, serving broader communities in inspiring, meaningful ways.  Teams cherishing customers / community, and Community cherishing those who serve them.

Bright Mind, Cool Head, Kind Heart

These three attributes make David Harmony the quintessential team builder.

His immense experience and knowledge garners respect, his Way with people endears support and teamwork.

Peg Ryan, SVP Customer Experience (Farmers Insurance – Specialty Div.)

A Trusted Advisor & Coach

Flexibility in his unique approach, offering both sense of urgency and patience to move us along our journey. He knew when to push for change and when to allow learning to unfold naturally.

His professional experience and personal qualities earned him significant amount of trust and respect from our teams. I would work with him again and recommend him to any organization seeking a servant leadership culture to remain competitive in modern software development.

Zhen Tao – CIO Paycor Inc. / CEO TandemAI Inc.


Answers to common questions and concerns …

to be populated soon …

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Free Courses

Unsure still?  Try out these courses in a Category of interest.  We are certain we’ll provide huge value, possibly immediately (based on the topic).

Premium Courses

Industry-disrupting, proprietary experience-backed content and innovative delivery approach, to help you realize the greatest benefit in the shortest time.

Ready to get started?

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